To enhance the effectiveness of UCSF's pioneering HIV enterprise, including research, care and education
To end the HIV epidemic and leverage our experience to tackle underlying societal challenges and related health conditions
Supporting Strategies
- Fundraise. Make our #1-ranked HIV/AIDS program a development priority at UCSF commensurate with its standing
- Nurture. Deliver targeted, unrestricted funds and services to support UCSF's HIV researchers, clinicians and educators, focusing on the next generation of leaders
- Lead. Play an integral role in University leadership and influence strategic decisions
- Promote. Communicate the work of UCSF's HIV researchers, clinicians and educators to inform the community and increase awareness of our impact worldwide
- Convene. Foster collaboration to spark innovative thinking, respond to emerging opportunities and extend our models of team science and interprofessional care
By combining the best AIDS basic science, bench-to-bedside research, social and behavioral studies, direct care, clinical research and policy development, the ARI continues to pave the way for breakthroughs in HIV/AIDS. We confront the disease with a comprehensive plan:
- Expand research toward a cure, including research on the genetic biology of HIV and mechanisms of immunologic control exhibited by those who remain healthy despite years of HIV infection, to discover new and better therapeutic targets as well as HIV eradication and vaccine strategies.
- Explore the role of acute HIV infection—that is, the time immediately after infection, when viral levels are extremely high and many are unaware of their HIV status—in driving the epidemic, and devise new prevention methods based on this knowledge.
- Study and improve upon existing biologic and behavioral prevention methods including test-and-treat strategies, microbicides and pre-exposure prophylaxis, with the goal of getting to zero new infections in San Francisco.
- Expand efforts to optimize the provision and management of antiretroviral treatment worldwide.
- Study linkages between AIDS and aging, and between AIDS and other major infectious diseases such as hepatitis, malaria and tuberculosis.
- Increase health-care capacity, knowledge, skills and infrastructure around the world.
- Research and aggressively pursue the implementation of practical, effective, cost-effective and humane HIV/AIDS policies locally, nationally and internationally.
- Expand ARI training and mentoring programs, at UCSF and abroad, to develop the next generation of HIV/AIDS clinicians and investigators.