UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research

The UCSF-Bay Area Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) is an NIH-funded P30 Center grant that supports the HIV research enterprise at UCSF and our affiliated institutions (including SFDPH, Gladstone Institutes, Vitalant Research Institute, and the SFVAMC) through scientific leadership, multiple Mentoring programs, pilot grants in the Developmental Core, Scientific Cores, community engagement, efforts towards diversity, support of early-stage investigators (ESIs), support of underrepresented minority (URM) investigators, and global programs. The ARI provides financial and other support to the CFAR as the main mechanism through which the CFAR receives UCSF institutional support. The ARI and CFAR also collaborate on the following programs:

  • Mentored Scientist Awards: The ARI provides funding 3 of these 1-year $50k grants each year.
  • CFAR/ARI Boost Awards: The ARI and CFAR co-sponsor these small ($50-5,000) grants with a rapid turnaround to support individuals and groups within the UCSF (and affiliates) HIV research community.
  • AIDS Research News: This monthly newsletter from CFAR and ARI features event announcements, news, and funding opportunity announcements.